The Insured Colleagues Program™ offers successful clinical risk reduction programs across a range of specialties.

With the Insured Colleagues Program™, our Chief Medical Officer, Specialty Medical Directors and a Medical Advisory Panel are actively involved in risk evaluation and the selection process of new and returning members. AMS identifies highly qualified and respected physicians to serve as Speciality Medical Directors, and they assist in developing both standard and specialty criteria, bringing industry expertise to the medical liability process.

Insured Colleagues Program™

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In addition to providing underwriting and clinical risk management support, the Insured Colleagues Program™ is closely involved in all risk management activities and serves as an internal peer review mechanism for claims.

Along with the Chief Medical Officer, Speciality Medical Directors impact all multi-speciality process improvements through their position on a Medical Executive Committee, evaluate member physicians in their respective specialties, and implement process improvement initiatives.


The Specialty Medical Director Medical Advisory Panel provides: 

  • Analysis of specialty-specific claims, both internally and externally

  • Analysis of physician-risk behavior through individual impact reports

  • Reviews of current specialty-specific risk reduction strategies

  • Targeted risk-reduction process improvement recommendations

  • Claims reviews against physicians for merit and potential liability

Access to a Medical Executive Committee, composed of the Chief Medical Officer and the Specialty Medical Directors, that is responsible for all multi-specialty process improvement initiatives.


Medical Liability


Preferred Programs